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Life assurance refers to protecting yourself and your family in the case of an unforeseen circumstance, such as an unexpected death. It is not difficult to argue that safeguarding the welfare of your family and loved ones should be of paramount importance. This is especially apparent when it comes to fiscal and inheritance matters.

Our wealth advisers in Austria are experienced in facilitating the most suitable protection strategies that take your individual requirements into consideration. For instance, one of the largest concerns is to ensure your family can be provided for without facing any financial struggles after your death.

At deVere Austria, we can provide you with several options in terms of life assurance solutions that can be created and edited to cater for your own personal needs. Of course, specific changes during your lifetime will be taken into account and can be written into the policy easily. Furthermore, these solutions become geographically flexible when you become a client of deVere Austria.

To find out more about how deVere Austria can help you prepare for the unexpected, contact deVere Austria.

Media contact

deVere Austria's Public Relations Department deals with all areas of the media and external communications including international, national, regional, local, trade, consumer, print, broadcast, social and online. The Department aims to provide a helpful service to journalists, broadcasters and editors, amongst others, and reply to all media enquiries, including urgent enquiries out of hours, within agreed deadlines. Our press office does not have access to client details and will not be able to assist with individual client enquiries. Please contact deVere Austria's Head of Public Relations on or call +44 2071220925.